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Services Overview

Our Services Categories

Your Migration Experts Unlock Your Migration Dreams


Student Visa

Foresee the pain and trouble that are bound ensue.

  • F1 Student Visa
  • J1 Exchange Visitor Visa
  • Non-Academic Visa

Residence Visa

Desire that they can foresee trouble bound ensue.

  • Permanent Visa
  • Humanitarian Residence
  • Temporary Visa

Business Visa

Equally blame belongs those who fail in their duty.

  • Business Visa
  • Employment Visa
  • Project Visa

Tourist Visa

Foresee the pain and trouble that are bound ensue.

  • F1 Student Visa
  • J1 Exchange Visitor Visa
  • Non-Academic Visa
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What We Offer

At International Education Services, Immigration & Visa Assistance

From the initial assessment to the visa application, we offer comprehensive consultation services. Deciding to study abroad is a big step, so our counseling doesn't just stop at helping you pick the right country and university. We're also here to guide you in making the best 'career decision'. Our educational counselors first get to know your educational background and what you want to achieve in your career. Then, they suggest programs in countries and universities that match what you're looking for!

Year of

Study Abroad Admission Guidance

Need help with studying abroad?

IVS Consultant knows how to help you get into a foreign university smoothly. We'll make sure you have all the right documents and help you with your visa application. We're here to make your international education dreams come true!


The Impact of Our Competitive Efforts

Your trusted partner for Career Education and Immigration Consulting Services. From the initial assessment to the visa application, we offer comprehensive consultation services.

Student Visa

Study in Abroad Visa 78%

Residence Visa

Family Residency Visa 92%

Business Visa

Work Permit and Permanent Business Visa 65%

Tourist Visa

family immigration and adventure Tourist Visa 86%
Our primary focus is customer satisfaction. We listen, respond, and consistently deliver quality to exceed expectations. Our goal is simple: ensure every customer has a memorable and satisfying experience with us. 
Why Choose Us

Our relentless efforts have made us the best migration consultants

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Direct Interviews

Expound actual teachings too the great explorers truth.

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Faster Processing

Give you a completed account the expound the teachings.

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Visa Assistance

Expound actual teachings too the great explorers truth.

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Give you a completed account the expound the teachings.

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Guiding on preparing for eligibility exams to visa assistance.

Get Assistance

At International Education Services Immigration & Visa Assistance Your trusted partner for Career Education and Immigration Consulting Services. IVS Consultant is a leading immigration consultants assisting people with the hassle-free accomplishment of their migration dreams.

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